Rachel Gauci Apps

Track 2.0
Rachel Gauci
Track has been developed as part of a jointresearch project between the Schools of Informatics and Health inSocial Science at the University of Edinburgh.The app provides emotion tracking by requesting users to fill outshort surveys throughout the day, and providing visual feedback inthe form of illustrative graphs.Non-participants of the study can use the app to personally tracktheir emotions and daily activities. Any diary entries provided bynon-participants are kept solely on their personal device and nevershared with University researchers.Track has been developed as a configurable experience sampling tooland is available as part of an-open source project athttps://github.com/rgauci/Track.The research work disclosed in this publication is funded by theMASTER it! Scholarship Scheme (Malta). The scholarship ispart-financed by the European Union - European Social Fund (ESF)under Operational Programme II - Cohesion Policy 2007-2013,“Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality ofLife”.